
Showing posts from September, 2018

Emmy Winner Claire Foy Was Nearly Denied Entry to Official Afterparty

Comment trouver son point G et lui faire plaisir avec ce petit touché doux! The New York Times Account verificato  @nytimes Reuters Top News Account verificato  @Reuters The Associated Press Account verificato  @AP CNN Breaking News Account verificato  @cnnbrk Washington Post Account verificato  @washingtonpost Emmy Winner Claire Foy Was Nearly Denied Entry to Official Afterparty Be Brave Choose Qwant Wilder wants 50/50 split to fight Joshua Watch our video The Queen almost never got the chance to party with her royal subjects at the Governors Ball. Just minutes before 9 p.m. on Monday, Claire Foy — who won this year’s best actress in a drama Emmy for her final turn as Queen Elizabeth II in Netflix's  The Crown  — was working her way toward the TV Academy’s official afterparty, but security was not about to let her through with a ripped ticket. Queer Eye  star Jonathan Van Ness (joined by boyfriend Wilco Froneman) came to the