
Showing posts from May, 2019

IT CHAPTER TWO: Terrifying first trailer for sequel revealed

Arwen and Aragorn I really love how Viggo Mortensen & Liv Tyler portrayed Aragorn and Arwen in the movies… I draw another one Aragorn&Arwen…. I’ll show it later. Elisabetta Canalis preoccupa i fan La bellissima showgirl ha pubblicato una foto che ha allarmato i follower. Il dettaglio non è passato inosservato. Ecco perché » [This story has been optimized for offline reading on our apps. For a richer experience,  you can find the full version of this story here . An Internet connection is required.] THA BAK, Laos — He was up there somewhere, at the top of the hill, the man Karl Ammann had come to see. It would soon be night. The forest was all shadows and sounds. Ammann had driven across the country to reach this remote river village, and now he was finally here, looking to the top of the hill, ready to confront the person he believed had murdered more tigers than anyone in Laos. In the distance, he could hear them: dozens of