6 съвета за освежаване на сексуалния живот

Halloween is approaching 🎃 Imagine you want to invite your best friend to a Halloween party by email. What do you write about "Theme of the letter"? 📩 🧛
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АБВ Поща ha creato un sondaggio.
Къде ти се случва най-често да отвориш АБВ Поща, докато си у дома 🏡 или навън? 🌳

ABB Mail responds to the most up-to-date SPAM questions and online security and e-mail usage through a special series of videos - ABC Advice. The first topic we will start with is spam and what are the ways to deal with it.
Do you know what Spam is?
"Spam" is a bulk send of unsolicited messages, most often with ad content. In addition to a method of offering goods and services, spam messages are also used as a means of financial fraud and personal data theft or so-called "phishing."
Typically, the average user sends multiple emails per day. In more specific cases, they may be more when it is necessary to send information to a larger group of users. However, spammers send thousands of emails per second.
You're probably wondering what the spammers get from all this?
The answer is that they do this to achieve interests of a different nature or financial gain. The amount of spam messages that are sent daily is so large that even a percentage of those who receive it is misleading its contents and follow links to it, it generates solid profits.
In the fight against mass spam help comes measures taken by organizations such as Spamhouse.or, which keep up-to-date lists of sources of spam and other Internet hazards. Thus, ISPs and e-mail sites, such as ABB Mail , can use these lists to limit the amount of spam that is targeted to their users.
How can you limit spam in your mailbox?
  • Be careful where and to whom you give your email address.
  • Be wary of casual sites and services that require registration, installing free programs or sites with an unknown author.
  • We encourage you to consider participating in various prize games , on the net and beyond.
If you are already receiving spam? Use ABC's capabilities Mail:
  • You can block email from certain email addresses or even entire domains. To do this, sign in to your mail settings and click on the "Spam protection" menu.
You may block the letters
  • Use the "Spam" button to mark a message as such. This way you train SPAM filters on your ABB mailbox and gradually create a specific setting of the content that arrives in your mailbox.
Use the spam button
  • Use filters to sort email messages by folders that apply to words or phrases from incoming emails.
Use the filters
If you see a letter in your box that offers something too good to be true or requires some personal information - just do not click on the links in it and report it as spam .

Expect the next video from ABC Advice on the blog of ABC Mail in June. We are also looking for interesting videos on Security, Registration, Phishing, and more.
Follow the Facebook page of ABC Mail at: F acebook.com/mail.abv.bg


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